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Our partners in Cameroon

The Bafou MJC

The MJC de Bafou welcomes young people and children from the Bafou sector. Its objectives are:

  • to offer young people the opportunity to flourish, to become responsible and civic people through cultural and educational activities,

  • to promote inter-associative exchanges between the young people of Bafou and those of other national and international associations,

Our institutional partners

The 6 Communes of La Ménoua

Dschang (chief town of the Department), Nkong-Zem, Penka-Michel, Santchou, Fokoué, Fongo-Tongo

Dschang Tourist Office

Since June 2018, TOCKEM tourisme and the Tourist Office of the city of Dschang are partners.

The Route des Chefferies

The Route des Chefferies is a program bringing together a network of actors working for the enhancement and tourism development of the West region of Cameroon.

Our financial partners

Our partners in France

Association ELANS

ELANS is a solidarity association created in 2001 whose aim is to contribute to the endogenous, participative and sustainable development of the populations of the department of Ménoua, in the West province of Cameroon.

Civic Service

Civic service is a French system encouraging civic engagement and public support. Its objective is to strengthen national cohesion and promote social diversity and offers young people aged 16 to 25 the possibility of committing for a period of 6 to 12 months in a mission of general interest.

France Volontaires

France Volontaires aims to promote and develop the various forms of commitment under the International Volunteering Exchange and Solidarity (VIES).

Association Hope with 2 hands

Created in May 2012, Hope with 2 hands:

  • contributes to raising awareness in the North of the realities experienced in the different cultures of the countries of the South.

  • supports, in partnership with local actors, international solidarity projects for the populations of sub-Saharan Africa.

The association particularly supports the project of a Professional Training Center for Children of Hope in Mbouda (CFPEEM).

ViAllaite aims to improve the health of children by developing and supporting breastfeeding.


ViAllaite works with the support of the Ministry of Health of Cameroon and has been granted a letter of collaboration agreement dated December 17, 2018 in recognition of its action.


The SEDIF (Syndicat des Eaux d'Ile De France)

SEDIF is a public establishment, responsible for the public drinking water service on behalf of the municipalities or inter-municipal authorities in Ile-de-France that adhere to it. Led by elected officials from these communities, SEDIF provides daily food for 4.5 million users, serving 150 municipalities.

It is the largest public drinking water service in France and one of the very first in Europe.

The city of Paris



Paris is the capital of France and the capital of the Île-de-France region .

Planète Urgence

Planète Urgence is a non-profit association recognized as a public utility of international solidarity and environmental protection, created in Paris in 2000 around the concept of Solidarity Leave. Planète Urgence aims to strengthen the autonomy of populations and protect their environment by:

  • sending volunteers on short or long missions to more than 30 countries

  • the implementation of environmental protection projects to combat the destruction of ecosystem systems.




Syctom, the metropolitan agency for household waste, is the leading European public operator for the treatment and recovery of household waste.








The SIAAP, Interdepartmental Union for Sanitation, transports and "washes" the water used by nearly 9 million Ile-de-France residents for their domestic and industrial uses as well as rainwater.


L’Agence de l’Eau Artois Picardie

The Artois-Picardie Water Agency is a public establishment of the Ministry in charge of Ecology and Sustainable Development. It is one of the 6 French water agencies created by the water law of 1964.

L'AIMF (Association internationale des Maires Francophones)

Our institutional partners in France

The town of Halluin

Halluin a French town with 20,000 inhabitants, located in the Nord department.

Since the creation of the association, the town of Halluin has supported us in our various actions (subsidies, technical and logistical support, etc.).

In addition, all of our actions are part of the cooperation twinning that unites the Municipality of Halluin and the Municipality of N'Kongzem in Cameroon and in the shared desire of the populations to get to know each other better.

The town of Roncq

Roncq is a French city, with 13,000 inhabitants, located in the Nord department.

The AIMF is the global network of French-speaking local elected representatives. Together, they share the vision of a city of tomorrow with sustainable and shared growth, which places people at the heart of the urban project.

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